Saturday, August 30, 2008

Oh, but your wish is my command

I am in a state of utter exhaustion. Packing and leaving and not going back to school are draining me, physically and emotionally- so I've been avoiding doing these half-assed posts, because they're rather lame. I have a pile of half finished things I want to blog about, but am just too tired...maybe next week?

Anyway, here is a glimpse into my life as of late:
*this is so depressing, my room here in the city was my haven this summer, it was gorgeous and comfy and truly the source of my sense of inspiration and creativity. I am sad I didn't take pictures of it when it was clean and not in the midst of disarray. I think I just don't deal with change very well. I will truly miss living here, I will miss the noises, lights, and people. I will miss the buildings, brooklyn, the skylines, the water, everything. And most of all I miss not going back to school.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The end

I promise I'll do a post with more substance soon. I swear. It's my last day at Teen Vogue today, wahhhh-wah, it's been so good, and has given me so much experience and fun.

Also, I was on like crack or something last night when I did that ridiculous avocado post. The truth behind it is that I am getting that picture tattooed on my collarbone/shoulder area next week. YAY!! I can't wait.

And to finish, I love photographer Wendy Bevan, her photography is just so damn pretty.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The world is getting nervous

EVERYONE! I miss you. I've been cavorting with friends from school for the past 4 days or so, thus my lack in attention here. I promise I am not hiding/dead/depressed to the point of non-communication/becoming dreadfully neglectful toward my blog friends. But right now I am fucking tired so I'm going to go to sleep, and leave you with a nice picture of an avocado to think about.

Why an avocado you ask? Let's have a guessing game. You tell me what you think it's all about, and then I tell you what it's really all about. 

Damn I'm tired and LOCO-COCO.

Love and kisses and hearts and chiffon at you all.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Whatever, you look like a dinosaur.

These pictures are all mixed up. But I don't much care to unmix them. 

These are from today in the garden.

This is from my trip to Virginia, out of the train window. 

This is from yesterday, I was helping her move into her dorm, and she was being cute.

These are more garden pictures from today. It was a glorious, wonderfully beautiful day.

These are from my Virginia trip.

These are pretty.

And this is a good reminder.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

You've got to hide your love away

For the past few days I've been feeling really, really sad about not going back to school this year. Even though last year was often less than desirable, I love Sarah Lawrence and all its quirks and fucked-upness, and I am really sad that I am not getting to give the school another try.

For those of you who don't know, I'm not going back to Sarah Lawrence because I wasn't given enough financial aid, and just don't have the means of procuring $35,000 dollars out of thin air. Thus I am taking a year off, working my ass off, and transferring to the University of Edinburgh (!!), a decision and process that I am feeling very bittersweet about right now.

I am getting especially sad about not being in New York for the autumn and winter... So here is a tribute to my heartbreak:

Also, here are some pretty autumny photos by Peter Hannert.

I love you all, thank you for the wonderful comments you all never fail to leave. Besos y abrasos.